The WIT Computers for Schools initiative aims to enable schools in Waterford to meet their growing IT demands. The advent of the new Leaving Cert Computer Science programme, the new Junior Cert Short Course in Coding and the need for a high degree of computer literacy creates an increasing demand for high quality computing facilities at second level.
It is challenging to equip computer labs in schools on an ongoing basis. This project is asking companies to set aside 10-15 computers for this scheme for every 100 staff they have employed in the Waterford region. A pilot programme last year has seen Sun Life Financial recycle 40 of their 3 year-old computers through this scheme into local schools, including St Angela’s. The target for 2019 is to source 151 computers for local schools. The 7-year target is for over 800 computers to meet the target of fully stocked computing lab for every 250 students in each school.