First Year
‘I like the variety of extra-curricular activities and the warm feeling of the school atmosphere’. – Jessica
‘We get to participate in all the quizzes and parties that the Ceannaire students hold for us’. – Hannah
‘I have more independence than in primary school like the option of going out for lunch’. -Alannah
‘What I like is the freedom and the new friends I made’. – Rhea
‘It is different to primary and there are so many clubs to join which are fun’. -Dania
‘The best thing about being in First Year is making new friends and it is a fresh start’. – Blessy
Transition Year
‘I liked that we were given more responsibilities and we were treated more like adults.’ – Ellen.
‘The year gives you the chance to do stuff outside of school, e.g. , a job, extra hobbies.’ – Lily.
‘I made loads of new friends and gained a lot more confidence during Transition Year we interacted more with each other as a year group. ‘- Jade.
‘The Bonanza, Junk Kouture and The Great Ursuline Bake Off were definitely the highlights of my year! It gave the teachers and students a chance to work together out of a classroom’ – Emma.
‘Different and exciting modules like debate and handcraft as well as trying out all the different subjects was really useful to help me choose for the Leaving Cert.’ – Emily.
‘I will cherish Transition Year because it was a chance to have a break and to be given more opportunities.’ – Kacey.
‘It was so fun and not stressful. All the trips were good and it brought us all together and made us closer as a year group.’ – Lindsey.
‘I loved Transition Year because I got to know more people and mix with different groups. I also got on better with all the teachers.’ – Abby.
‘The different trips we went on really made the year memorable and were really enjoyable.’ – Rachael.
‘My favourite aspect of Transition Year was my work experience and exploring the world of work. ‘- Crystal.
‘Experiencing new languages like Russian and having the opportunity for a foreign exchange to Bayonne in France.’ – Aoife.
‘Transition Year gave me the confidence to do things I would not have done before.’ – Laura.
‘Given a chance to improve my weaker subjects.’ – Valerie.
‘The two major Transition Year trips, Manchester and Delphi were fantastic and gave us a few days break from our usual school routine’ – Katie.
I gained a lot from my Transition Year experience in the Ursuline. I am glad that the year is compulsory as I feel that my friends and I would not have been ready to move into our Leaving Cert years. Transition Year was a great year to discover more about myself, the subject I will be taking for the next two years and the world of work. From the start of the year we were told to make the most of our time in Transition Year and we will get back what we put in and that was definitely true. I’d advise to get involved in all you can, broaden your horizons and even if it is out of your comfort zone, go for it; you will end up loving it!
When studying for the Junior Cert it knew I had Transition Year ahead of me. It was really great to be able to go back in to school at the start of the year and know that the work load wouldn’t be as heavy and the stress of study, exams and balancing social life would be more or less gone. I got the chance to get to know the other girls in my year and now they are my friends.
My Transition Year was filled with exciting, new things to do. Work Experience was one of the best aspects of Transition Year. I was able to experience a “real-life” work situation. It allowed to me to understand what truly goes into working and if this was the career for me. Luckily for me, I loved every minute of it and therefore I now have a firm idea of what I want to do in the future.
The trips away were also a highlight to all the student body. Manchester was the topic of conversation for many Fourth Years for almost the entire year and even now after we’ve returned, it’s still talked about almost every day.
I would advise people to really put everything in their Transition Year as what you gain from one year will stay with you for a lifetime. You go into TY all excited and waving goodbye to exams, you leave it excited for 5th Year and ready for your exams and big decisions about your future. You do change as a person but it’s for the better, you mature as you now have life experience behind you.
My transition year was a time to think about potential career paths, learn new skills, and achieve personal goals. I was also able to gain work experience in different fields that helped me make up my mind and decide on my future. Transition year helps you think of the future about the career you would like to pursue. Transition year is not all work it is a lot of fun as well you get lots of things to do.
I enjoyed my work experience I gained a lot of experience from the real working world transition year and it gave me the opportunity to try working in an environment that I thought I might be interested in and see what exactly is involved.
What I loved about transition year was trying new things with new people it really gave me the chance to talk to new people who I never spoke too. I made so many new friends. There are so many things to do in transition year such as workshops, school trips, the Bonanza, working in the tuck shop, peer tutoring or community work.
I got so much enjoyment from the year, we got a lot of freedom and were given more jobs to do as we were in the senior end of the school. You get the year to do things you cannot do when you leave school, like the young scientist, Gaisce. I found the year useful to decide what subjects I would like to choose for the leaving cert.
Career guidance is a great class which helps you learn about colleges and you write a Curriculum Vitae and cover letter which is great to have for a summer job.
Overall I enjoyed transition year and I feel I have gained a lot from it.
What the 6th years will miss the most about St. Angela’s …………..
‘Seeing my friends everyday and being a part of the school sports teams’, Ella
‘The incredibly friendly atmosphere in the school and the lovely teachers who helped me along the way’. Claudia
‘Meeting my friends everyday because we’ll all be split up next year and I’ll miss doing the subjects I like’, Abbie
‘The good atmosphere in the school. Seeing all my friends in school and eating lunch with them. Being in a nice school community and getting an education’, Mia