St. Angela's School, Ursuline Convent Waterford
Call (051) 876 510

Junior Cycle

Core Subjects in St. Angela’s

Irish, English, French, Mathematics, Geography, History, Religious Education, and Wellbeing.


Art, Business Studies, Science, Home Economics, Music, Spanish, Learning Support

The new Junior Cycle Business course was introduced in September 2016. The  first students will sit the exam in June 2019. The new course reflects the ever changing dynamic business world. Unlike the previous course the final exam will be worth 90%, with 10% being awarded for an Assessment Task in December of 3rd Year.

Art, Craft & Design provides a unique part of the education of the whole person, fostering creativity, enabling them to shape their world with discernment and appreciate the work of others. See here for the official curriculum.

“If we want to have the best education and training service in Europe by 2026, we must make the teaching and learning of foreign languages a key priority. Brexit and the increasing importance of non-English speaking countries globally, mean that English-speaking countries such as our own, will need to put a new found importance on foreign languages in order to excel in the modern world. Learning a foreign language is no longer a luxury for some but a necessity for most.  It is an international key which upon turning will open many doors and opportunities for those that embrace and enjoy the challenge”. (Minister for Education, Richard Bruton, December 4th 2017) 

The French department aims to develop the students’ communicative proficiency and enhance their language and cultural awareness and their ability to cope with examination requirements in French. 

The general educational aims of French include: 

  • contributing to pupils’ awareness of language as a system of communication. 
  • giving pupils an awareness of another culture, and thus a more objective perspective on aspects of their own culture. 
  • contributing to the development in pupils of the capacity to engage in fruitful transactions and interactions with others. 
  • through the above, contributing to pupils’ overall personal and social development. 

French is a communicative syllabus organised around the needs, expectations and interests which pupils bring to the foreign language classroom. 

The study of geography promotes a deep understanding of people and place. Geography provides a platform to analyse world events, empowering young people as informed, active citizens that are open to cultural differences. The skills developed are transferable and will benefit students in study and life. Geography encourages structured inquiry and it encourages collaboration  with their peers and experts in other fields. Through the use of the eight key skills learners will develop personally and intellectually, developing their Geoliteracy and their ability to apply their learning to current, relative contexts.


Learners will engage in inclusive assessment practices that will appeal to the student’s strengths and skills and allow for peer-learning. Classroom based assessments are formative and will empower students to become independent learners. In third year, learners will complete a final written and summative exam at comm on level for two hours.


Learners take part in a variety of fieldtrips where they apply their theoretical learning. This years first years visited Michelstown Caves and Cahir Castle where they observed the process of Carbonation and the features formed.

At Junior Cycle, History should introduce young people to the job of the historian, and to the sources and techniques which historians use to find out about the past. The Junior Certificate History syllabus which follows is designed to promote and accommodate this kind of learning. It contains a number of elements which are important to the study of History at Junior Cycle.

Flexibility – The syllabus facilitates a variety of approaches to the teaching of history, e.g. use of a variety of types of historical sources, historical narrative and analysis, biographical studies, exploration of themes or issues, comparative studies and special studies.

Variety of aspects – The syllabus explores a variety of aspects of life in the past – political, social, cultural, economic and technological.

Chronology – The syllabus framework is chronological in presentation, spanning prehistoric times to the present day. It also allows students to develop an understanding of a series of concepts, both procedural and substantive.

Developmental – Bearing in mind the 12-15 age-group for whom it is designed, the syllabus moves from the simple to the more complex.

Irish history – Recognising the importance of education for citizenship and of developing an understanding of contemporary life in Ireland, a substantial part of the syllabus deals with Irish history

Subject Overview:

From September 2018 students will be studying the New Junior Cycle Home Economics course. Students will look at abroad range of areas including food, health and culinary skills, responsible family living, textiles and crafts.


There will be two classroom based assessments one based on textiles and one based on food literacy skills. There will also be a practical cookery exam worth 50% and a written exam worth 50% at the end of 3rd year.

Music is an optional subject for Junior Cycle in St. Angela’s. Students learn about instruments of the orchestra, music notation, music theory and study pieces of music from many different genres. Performance is a big part of this subject and students who chose this subject begin to learn the recorder in 1st year all the way through to 3rd year as the music practical at Junior Cert level is worth 25%. Students who wish to sing or play another instrument may also do so for their Junior Cert practical.  

This course in Junior Cycle Music has been specifically devised to suit the entire range of student musical aptitude and ability. It is designed to enable all students to acquire musical skills suited to their age, varying abilities and musical experience.

Learning Support provides students with additional academic assistance.

Computer education in schools plays an important role in students’ personal and career development. Computer Studies increases computer literacy among students and teaches them Cyber safety.

Safety Online

English is an international language spoken or learned in almost every part of the world. In Junior Certificate English, you will learn how to communicate more effectively with others and to express your point of view in many different ways.

See here for the official curriculum.

Déanaimid iarracht i Roinn na Gaeilge gach deis a thabhairt do na daltaí a gcuid Gaeilge a chur chun cinn ón gCéad Bhliain ar aghaidh.
To date we have aimed to develop the four main skills: reading, writing, aural & oral.
As well as the normal classroom activities, these skills are enhanced through song and drama in class with the students showcasing these various skills during “Seachtain na Gaeilge”.
Tá an tSraith Shóisearach nua i bhfeidhm sa scoil i mbliana. Cuireann an curaclam nua ar chumas foghlaimeoirí a bheith lánpháirteach sa tsochaí, i saol an teaghlaigh agus an phobail agus i saol na hoibre. Cuirimid i Roinn na Gaeilge i gClochar na nUrsulach fáilte ‘s fiche roimh an tSraith Shóisearach nua.

In Maths, we aim to develop the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding needed for continuing education, for life and for work. The skills are developed to deal with mathematical concepts in context and applications, as well as in solving problems. It is envisaged that the student will develop a positive attitude to maths, a flexible, disciplined way of thinking and the enthusiasm to search for creative solutions throughout the five strands of geometry and trigonometry, statistics and probability, number, algebra and functions.

Science in junior cycle aims to develop students’ evidence-based understanding of the natural world and their ability to gather and evaluate evidence: to consolidate and deepen their skills of working scientifically; to make them more self-aware as learners and become competent and confident in their ability to use and apply science in their everyday lives.   

More specifically it encourages all students:

        to develop a sense of enjoyment in the learning of science, leading to a lifelong interest in science   

        to develop scientific literacy and apply this in cognitive, affective and psychomotor dimensions to the analysis of science issues relevant to society, the environment and sustainability   

        to develop a scientific habit of mind and inquiry orientation through class, laboratory and/ or off-site activities that foster investigation, imagination, curiosity and creativity in solving engaging, relevant problems, and to improve their reasoning and decision-making abilities   

        to develop the key skills of junior cycle to find, use, manage, synthesise, and evaluate data; to communicate scientific understanding and findings using a variety of media; and to justify ideas based on evidence   

        to acquire a body of scientific knowledge; to develop an understanding of Earth and space and their place in the physical, biological, and chemical world and to help establish a foundation for more advanced learning.  

In learning Spanish, you will begin to understand what you read and hear, to talk and to write in the language. It also introduces you to the culture of the countries in which Spanish is spoken.Click here for more information on the curriculum.

This section of the Junior Cert curriculum is intended to aid students with their mental and physical health during the demanding academic school year. This section is composed of PE, CSPE, SPHE and Caring Aspects subjects.